
Saturday, 23 February 2013

Civilization III with add-ons Conquests and Play the World


This package includes the game Civilization III, as well as the add-ons Conquests and Play the World. Detailed installation instructions are provided below. Happy gaming!Instructions:
These are the instructions for successfully installing Civilization III and its' add-ons Conquests and Play the World. Please read them carefully!
Step 0: Burn the ISO images to CD's, using a CD writing program such as Nero or ImgBurn (supplied here as "Apps\ImgBurn\SetupImgBurn_2.4.4.0.exe"), burning them as images, NOT as files added to a compilation - requires 2 CD's


Mount the images one at a time, as requested by the installation programs, using an ISO mounting application, such as DAEMON Tools (which is provided here as "Apps\DAEMON Tools\daemon4304-lite.exe")
Step 1: Install Civilization III - file "Civilization III.iso" (1 ISO image / CD)
Step 2: Install Civilization III Conquests Add-on (includes Civilization III Play the World Add-on) - file "Civilization III Conquests.iso" (1 ISO image / CD)

Step 3: Install the Civilization III patches from the folder "Patch", in the following order:
a) "Civ3v129f.exe"
b) "Civ3PTW127f.exe"
c) "Civ3Conquestsv122FULL.exe"

Step 4: Copy the files from the "Crack" folder into your Civilization III installation folder (by default "C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III"), overwriting the files there having the same names:
a) "Civilization3.exe" to "[Civilization III installation folder]"
b) "Civilization3X.exe" to "[Civilization III installation folder]\Civ3PTW"
c) "Civ3Conquests.exe" to "[Civilization III installation folder]\Conquests"

Step 5: Play any of the Civilization III games you desire!
    (Size: 1.21 GB)

*All downloads work with torrent :)

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